Registration No :
( Registration No Format : Ex:GNDU1502101)
LEGEND : Pass - P, Re Appear- RA, Withheld - WH, Absent - AAA
- Last date for applying for
Photocopy - 04 th June,2018
Revaluation - 09 th June,2018 - Fees for Photocopy (UG & PG) - Rs.300/-
- Fees for Revaluation (UG & PG) - Rs.700/-
- Students can apply for photocopy and revaluation from 26th May 2018 onwards
- Download Revaluation Form.Click here..!
- List of eligible students for Instant Examination.Click here..!
Students who have passed out (2015 Batch UG & MCA students and 2016 Batch PG) and have only one subject as supplementary is eligible for Instant Examination.
Please find below the schedule and instruction for the same
Instant Examination - 21st JUNE 2018
Session : F.N. - 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Last date of payment of fees - 18th JUNE 2018
Exam Fees - Rs.1000/- per student
**NOTE: The students who are applying for revaluation for one supplementary subject can wait till the revaluation results for payment of instant examination fees.
Dr. N.C. Rajashree
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